Wildlife Fatality Estimator
Carcass Persistence module |
Description The Carcass Persistence module allows modelling carcass removal times using parametric survival analysis procedures and, through a goodness-of-fit analysis,
select the best fitting parametric model (Exponential, Weibull, Log-logistic or Log-normal) (Bispo et al. 2013). The following correction factors are estimated by this module, allowing to account for carcass removal:
Mean persistence rate - the average proportion of carcasses that died between two consecutive searches and persists until the end of the search interval
Mean persistence time - the average number of days a carcass persists before it is removed by scavengers and/or decomposition How to use References This module is based on the work from the following authors:
Bispo, R., Bernardino, J., Marques, T.A. & Pestana, D. (2013) Modeling carcass removal time for avian mortality assessment in
wind farms using survival analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 20:147-165.